In the moment of "Noob-ness"

1:18 AM / Posted by Lawrence /

I saw a girl yesterday after having lunch, and I was completely smitten to the core. I mean, she is beautiful and she was walking about, tending to her business and there I was, standing there like a noob, not knowing what to say or react. 

Don't get me wrong; this isn't some lustful look or some weird behavior I developed while growing up. But truth was, I am completely smitten by how gracefully she was walking about and her smile totally captures me. Even my friend noticed my "noob-ness" moment. 

Again, don't get me wrong; when I say she is beautiful, I am not talking about her "hot-ness" or anything like that. If it's anything, I would say the term itself is derogatory towards woman, because face it, there is so much more into a person aside from his or her looks. 

Looks will fade away in age, but the character never does. 

In the midst of my buisness today, I caught myself thinking about the girl from yesterday and "what if" I have go over and say hi... 
But all in all, I still believe my Father in heaven have someone in mind for me and I still haven't met her yet (maybe) and when I do, it will be a match made in heaven, because our Father set us up! What could be more better than having God be your match-maker? 
And each day, while knowing I have still yet meet her, I pray truly, that wherever she is or does, that her passion for our Savior continues to burn brighter and brighter and her life is lived out for Him and not for me, and that the very core of her soul is for the One who sits on the throne of heaven. 

So, while my fist is waving up in the air and at the top of my lungs, I yelled, "Life must go on!" and resume my day while putting the girl I met yesterday behind me. 


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